News in 2018

'Valuation of Unregistered Lands : A Policy Guide' - publication
May 2018
Valuation of unregistered land in developing
countries is in the critical path of achieving many important global,
regional and national develoment goals such as: addressing climate
change, sustainable urban development, food security, promoting
responsible investments, addressing conflicts often associated with
large-scale land investments, and common human rights abuses associated
with land all which if not checked affect the poor and women most. In
many developing countries only thirty percent of land rights are
registered and valuation has generally been focused on this registered
land. Valuation of unregistered land approach is to support developing
countries that have unregistered land to be able to value it. Valuation
is necessary to improve control over land and property in a way that
builds equitable access to financial services and mobilizes resources
for economic growth and poverty reduction.
It is critical to upgrade informal settlements, support the resettlement of displaced people and
for investment and development projects. It is vital for
improving transparency in opaque land markets, which
disadvantage the poor who may lose out on getting the right
value for their land and would entrench poverty even further in
their lives.
The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and FIG
together with other GLTN Partners including RICS joined hands in
the initiative to develop a guide for valuation of unregistered
lands. This work started all the way back in 2010 and has
since then been underway with an ongoing process with research,
expert group discussions and improvements. The discussion and
experts’ feedback have now led to the ‘Valuation of Unregistered
Lands: A Policy Guide’.
The policy guide is intended for
valuation practitioners, land professionals, policy makers and
stakeholders involved in the valuation of unregistered lands.
The global agenda in the guide provides the ethical framework to
value unregistered land to ensure equity, ethical considerations and fair
valuation judgments, inclusivity and sustainability. Challenges encountered while undertaking
valuation of unregistered lands form the focus of the suggested
framework to value this land. The framework entails using both
conventional and innovative approaches with recognition of the social
construction of value through social market value. The guide serves to
strengthen the implementation of the continuum of land rights, a key
tool to strengthen tenure security for all.
The guide was launched first at the
GLTN partners meeting in Nairobi 24-26 April 2018 and at FIG Congress
2018 during a festive session where the guide was presented and
Please read the guide
Louise Friis-Hansen
28 May 2018