News in 2019

FIG Working Week 2019 and General Assembly
Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-26 April 2019

FIG Working week and General Assembly took place in Hanoi,
Vietnam with particiipation of almost 1,000 attendees from 90
countries. The local
organisers had done a great job to make this Working Week
At the first General Assembly 58 Member Associations were present and
around 250 delegates. At the second General Asembly on 26 April 56
Member Association participated and around 300 delegates. In total 66
member associations were represented.
One new Member Assiociation was
admitted, American Association for Geodetic Surveying. Chryssy Potsiou,
FIG President 2015-18 was appointed Honorary President. This year there
was only one bid for the Working Week 2023 from Orlando, Florida, USA,
and at the second General Assembly it was clear that the bid was
accepted without the need for a voting.
FIG President Rudolf Staiger presented the Council Work Plan and
hereafter both Commission Chairs, Networks and Permanent institutions
informed about their plans for the term 2019-2022. Two new Task Forces
were introduced: an internal Task Force on an evaluation of the FIG
Governance chaired by Vice President Diane Dumashie and a Task Force on
FIG and The Sustainable Development Goals with Paula Dijkstra as chair.
The three conference days were openned with a spectacular opening
ceremony. Key note speaker was Mika-Petteri Torhönen from World Bank,
and the Opening Ceremony was competently led by Master of Ceremony
Professor Doctor Vo
Chi My.
During the Working Week over 300 papers
were presented in 80 technical sessions. Most sessions were composed by
the open call for papers and designed by the Commission and Network
Chairs. Further to this there were sessions with our institutional
partners FAO, UN-Habitat/GLTN, UN-GGIM and World Bank, other sessions
were specially designed to specific topics, some to support FIG Task
Forces and finally the FIG Platinum Corporate Members ESRI, Trimble and
Leica each had a technical session.

FIG President Rudolf Staiger |

Chryssy Potsiou appointed Honorary President

Council at the Genreal Assembly |

At the Roll Call during the General Assembly |

Commission Chairs and Council having meeting with the future Local
Organisers FIG Working Weeks
Louise Friis-Hansen
16 May 2019