News in 2016

Report from the 39th FIG General Assembly – two new Vice Presidents
2 and 6 May 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand

During the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand, the 39th
FIG General Assembly was held; the first session on 2 May and second
session on 6 May 2016. The delegates filled out the large arena - a much
different venue than at previous FIG conference, but this was not a
“normal” Working Week due to the fact that the conference centre in
Christchurch was destroyed during the large earthquakes in 2011 and 12,
and today, a new Conference Centre has not yet been built up. The sports
arena made it however out for a useful conference centre.
At the first General Assembly 50 Member Associations were represented
and at the second first 53 Member Associations out of 104 representing
68 votes for the Vice Presidents. Later two more Associations arrived
and could vote for the destination for the Working Week 2020 giving a
total of 70 votes. Together with observers around 250 participated in
the General Assembly.

Reports from the
10 Commission and Young Surveyors Network
The General Assembly was opened with the traditional FIG Fanfare.
During the first General Assembly there were reports from the President,
the 10 Commission Chairs, Networks, Permanent Institutions, Task Forces
and FIG Foundation. Each candidate for the election for Vice President
got 10 minutes to present themselves including their visions and ideas
as Vice President for FIG and the two venues, Interlaken, Switzerland
and Amsterdam, the Netherlands also succeeded in giving inspiring and
tempting presentations of their proposed Working Week 2020 and
The commissions have had a busy first year of their term with many
activities which were reported to the General Assembly. The new Regional
Capacity Development Network reported from their meeting held in Kenya
in November 2015. Africa has been the first region to establish a
network, and Chair of the Network Diane Dumashie could inform that
another regional network is on its way in Asia/Pacific area. Hopefully
there can also be established networks in other regions.
FIG Commission structure
At the General Assembly in 2015 a Task Force on Commission Structure
was established, and at the General Assembly 2016 they presented a
report that should initiate a discussion about FIG Commission Structure
between the member associations in order to find out whether a change in
the current structure is needed. Since this work was started Council had
decided that the voting for the Commission Chairs Elects for the term
2017-18 was postponed. The proposal was discussed first at the General
Assembly and hereafter also at a special lunch meeting where all member
associations were invited. The report from the Task Force certainly
initiated a good and healthy discussion on the FIG Commissions, which
was its purpose. FIG Council and the Task Force appreciated all comments
and they are now taken into consideration in order to find the next
The elections were awaited with excitement during the Working Week.
The two destinations were creative to catch and attract the attention of
the delegates in order to promote their destination. the At the second
General Assembly the first election was to find two new Vice Presidents,
replacing Dr. Cheng Pengfei, CSSMG, China and Bruno Razza, CNGeGL Italy,
who have served in FIG Council since 2013. A second vote for the first
candidate was needed. If no candidate would get absolute majority in the
first round of voting there would be a second vote with the candidates
with the two highest votes. The candidates were Mikael Lilje and Yerach
Doytsher, and the second voting showed a victory to Mikael Lilje,
Swedish professionals for the built environment. Hereafter the second
voting took place to find the next Vice President between Yerach
Doytsher and Orhan Ercan. Unfortunately Sunil Lalloo, Institute of
Surveyors of Trinidad and Tobago was not able to attend the Working Week
and withdraw his application. The second voting was won by Orhan Ercan,
Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers of Turkey. A big thanks to
all candidates.
The voting for the Working Week 2020 was between two very strong
candidates, both more than capable of organising a very successful
Working Week. Interlaken, Switzerland presented by Geosuisse, and
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, presented by GIN. The voting showed a close run and with a victory to
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The current Council was represented by VP Diane Dumashie, President Chryssy Potsiou and VP Rudolf Staiger.

The two new Vice Presidents for the term 2017-2020 Mikael Lilje, Sweden and Orhan Ercan, Turkey. |

The President's report at the General Assembly |

55 Member Associations out of 104 were represented at the General Assembly |

The voting takes place |

Orange was dominating at the presentation of
the Dutch bid |
New members
The General Assembly could welcome two new Member Associations:
- Géographie, Topographie, Hydraulique, Energie et Construction
(GEOTHECO), Uganda
- The South African Geomatics Institute, SAGI
Further to this, Federación Argentina de Agrimensores (FADA)
Argentina and National Order of Cameroon Surveyors (NOCS) were
reinstalled as member, and FIG Council is pleased that Argentina is now
represented again. Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine,
Palestina was granted suspended status.
Since the General Assembly 2015, FIG Council has admitted the
following other members:
Corporate members:
Beijing Spatial Corporation |
GeoReference, Engineering Consultants Saudi Arabia |
Affiliate members:
- Survey and Land Registration Bureau, Kingdom of Bahrain
- Cadastral Agency of Bulgaria, Bulgaria
- The State Land Service of Latvia
- LINZ – Land Information New
- National Mapping and Resource
Information Authority, NAMIRA, Philippines
- State corporation Government for
Citicens- Astana Kazakhstan
- Dubai Municipality
Academic members:
- Ghent University Belgium
- University West, Department of
Engineering, Sweden
- Papua New Guinea University of
- Polytechnic of Namibia, Department
of Land and Property Sciences
The General Assembly also has the less attractive job to expel Member
Associations that are more than three years in arrears, and
unfortunately Cadastral Surveyors Association Liberia is no longer
member of FIG.
Hereto the following associations have terminated their membership:
- College of Engineers and Surveyors
of Puerto Rico
- The Irish Institution of Surveyors
- now represented through RICS.
Reports from the Working Week to the General Assembly and closing
At the second General Assembly there were reports from various
activities that took place during the Working Week hereunder from the
commissions, and again this year Brent Jones, ESRI was persuaded to give
a feed back from the Corporate Members meeting which also included an
evaluation of the Working Week in general.
At the closing ceremony FIG President Potsiou thanked for all the
engagement throughout the Working Week. There was a special thanks to
the UN partners FAO and UN-Habitat/GLTN, UN-GGIM and the World Bank for
their active participation in the Working Week and that it is important
that FIG build on these relationships. She stated that “FIG will work
with Member Associations to support the implementation of the VGGT and
the continuum of land rights at the country level “and that “FIG
will continue to work with UN GGIM to further develop the use of geo
spatial data in the context of land governance. Land Administration is
high in the GGIM agenda”. The Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration
approach that was discussed in several technical sessions, hereunder a
special session with GLTN was furthermore highlighted in the closing speech.
FIG president Potsiou also reminded the delegates of the invitation by
the Key Note speaker in the Opening Ceremony, Margareta Wahlstrom to
have surveyors and their work become more visible; “surveyors should
be better to marketing themselves”.
The Local Organisers had done a great job to organise the Working Week.
A report from the Working Week will be published. At the end of the
closing afer having thanked the Local Organising Committee the FIG Flag
was handed over from NZIS to the Finnish Organisers, MIL and MAKLI,
represented by Co-Conference Director Pekka Halme.
Louise Friis-Hansen
30 May 2016