General Assembly - First Session |

President Fausto Savoldi, CNGeGL welcomes FIG members to Rome and
the 35th General Assembly. |

General Assembly was held at the Cavalieri Ballroom at the Rome
Cavalieri hotel. |

FIG members listening to the FIG fanfare at the General Assembly. |

Council members lead by President CheeHai Teo at the General
Assembly |

Council member: Chryssy Potsiou (right), Dalal S. Alnaggar,
CheeHai Teo and Rudolf Staiger. |

More than 350 participants attended the first session of the General
Assembly. |

President Teo presents Vice Minister Shiyuan Wang,
President of the China Land Science Society their membership
certificate. |

Vice Minister Shiyuan Wang, President of the China Land Science
Society addressing the General Assembly as a new member. |

The NP Cadastral Engineers from Russia was the second new member
association joining in Rome. The membership certificate was given to
President Victor Kislov and Prof. Vladimir Tikhonov. |

Meridian+ from Russia was admitted as a new corporate member -
membership certificate was given to Director General Alexander
Golovikhin and Prof. Tikhonov, Director of International
Projects. |

Axel Annaert from the Hogere Zeevaartschool receiving the
academic membership certificate. |

Manuel Gonzalo Alcazar Molina from Univerdidad de Jaen, Spain
receives his membership certificate from President Teo. |

Sarkis Fadous receives the membership certificate on behalf of
the Lebanese Canadian University. |

Representatives from Abia State Polytechnic, Nigeria getting their
membership certificate. |

Prof. Bela Markus represented UNIGIS - a university network -
that became FIG academic member in Rome.

Honorary Presidents Robert W. Foster, Stig Enemark and
Juha Talvitie following the appointment of new honorary member. |

Rob Sarib from SSSI, Australia making a proposal on appointment
of Matthew Higgins as a new honorary member.

Matt Higgins was appointed as an Honorary Member of FIG - the
badge and certificate were received on his behalf by Rob Sarib. |

Member associations following the meetings - new member associations
from Russia and China in the front row. |

CNGeGL from Italy as the host association had the biggest delegation at
the General Assembly. |

President CheeHai Teo making his President's report that was well
received by the members. |

Daniel Steudler, Chair of the Task Force on Spatially Enabled
Societies launched its final publication in Rome. |

Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Africa Task Force making her report
to the General Assembly. |

John Hannah, making his report on the work of the Task Force on
Surveyors and the Climate Change. |

Director Christiaan Lemmen from OICRF making the report on the
permanent institution activities. |

Director Jan de Graeve, IIHSM reporting on the activities of the
permanent institution and the history workshop in Rome. |

Vice President Iain Greenway reporting on the good financial
situation of FIG in 2011. |

Chari of the Working Group on Voting Rights Brian Coutts, New
Zealand, giving an interim report to the assembly. |

General Assembly listening presentations from the candidates for new
Vice Presidents. |

.... and Commission chairs elect - current chairs in the front row. |

Dr. Pengfei Cheng, CSGPC, China PR making his speech as candidate
for Vice President. |

Geom. Bruno Razza, CNGeGL, Italy making his presentation to
support his candidacy. |

Yaacoub Saade, OSL, Lebanon making his presentation for the Vice
President election. |

Commission chairs following actively Chairs Elect presentations. |

Candidate for Commission 1: Brian Coutts, NZIS, New Zealand. |

Candidate for Commission 1: Ping Xiao, CSGPC, China PR.

Candidate for Commission 3: Enrico Rispoli, CNGeGL, Italy.

Candidate for Commission 5: Volker Schwieger, DVW, Germany. |

Candidate for Commission 6: Ivo Milev, USLMB, Bulgaria

Candidate for Commission 7: Claire Galpin, OGE, France.

Candidate for Commission 7: Gerda Schennach, OVG, Austria. |

Candidate for Commission 7: Daniel Steudler, geosuisse,
Switzerland. |

Candidate for Commission 8: Raymond Chan, HKIS, Hong Kong SAR,
China. |

Candidate for Commission 8: Kwame Tenadu, GhIS, Ghana.

Candidate for Commission 9: Liao Jinping (Patrick), CIREA, China
P. R. |

Bid for the Working Week 2015 and 2016: Chamber of Graduated Surveyors
Bulgaria |

Bid for the Working Week 2015: Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. |

Bid for the Working Week 2016: New Zealand Institution of Surveyors. |

Bid for the Working Week 2015 and 2016: Union of Romanian Geodesy and
Romanian Association of Private Surveyors. |