Vice President Teo attends the Expert Group Meeting on
Transparency in Land Administration: A Human Capacity Building Agenda for
South and South East Asia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 July 2010
 Participants of the Expert Group Meeting in Yogyakarta in July 2010. |
Transparency in land administration (TLA) is the first and foremost
training program that the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has been
implementing in cooperation with the Training and Capacity Building Branch
(TCBB) of UN-HABITAT and the International Institute for Geo-information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente. This joint
activity was hosted by the Department of Geodetic Engineering, Gahjah Mada
University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. FIG was represented by Vice President
CheeHai Teo.
A training program, comprising a Training Toolkit and Trainers’ Guide,
was developed and implemented in Sub-Sahara Africa. The implementation of
the training program in that region in 2008 entailed running four successive
training programs. Each of the four courses on average attracted about 30
participants. All in all, the program trained 114 change agents recruited
from 19 countries. Of these, 41 were women.
UN-HABITAT has launched a training of trainers’ (TOT) program in the Asia
Pacific Region, South and South East Asia in particular, using the Training
Toolkit and Trainers’ Guide that was developed earlier. However, the
training will incorporate region specific content and methodology. The
UN-HABITAT Human Capacity Building Agenda for South and South East Asia on
Transparency in Land Administration was kicked off with an Expert Group
Meeting (EGM) to identify these sub-regions’ specific land sector governance
challenges and priorities.
The EGM included presentations by resource persons aimed at
contextualizing and embedding TLA training in broad land governance concepts
and principles, on the state of TLA in the region as well as insights into
human capacity building in TLA with emphasis on opportunities and
challenges. The EGM confronted issues of governance and transparency in the
land sector, the participants discussed current capacity building
initiatives and identified capacity gaps in these sub-regions. The task then
was to translate the identified needs into training sessions, decide on case
studies and then design, develop and implement training workshops that would
sensitize land administrators and other stakeholders, develop their capacity
to tackle issues of transparency in land administration and reduce
corruption in the land sector at the two ToT workshop in Hanoi (for
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines and Vietnam) and Kathmandu (for
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka).
The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) gathered participants from Indonesia,
Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and
Pakistan. In addition, resource persons from Malaysia and FIG were also
invited together with those from UN-Habitat and ITC, University of Twente.
During the Opening of the EGM, Vice President Teo congratulated and
thanked on behalf of FIG the United Nations Human Settlement Programme; the
Global Land Tool Network and the University of Twente for this important and
timely initiative for South and South East Asia and remarked that FIG look
forward to contribute appropriately at the EGM. Later that day, he made a
presentation titled “Opportunities to Enhance Land Governance in South
and South East Asia”, and participated and contributed at each of the
breakout sessions and discussion time.
Read more:
- Teo CheeHai: Opportunities to Enhance Land Governance in South
and South East Asia. Presentation at the UN-HABITAT Expert Group
Meeting "Transparency in Land Administration (TLA) - A Capacity
Building Agenda for South and South East Asia". Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, 20-21 July 2010
TEO CheeHai
22 July 2010