Expert Group Meeting on Incorporating Sustainable
Development Objectives into ICT Enabled Land Administration Systems
Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 November 2005
 Organisers and keynote speakers of the conference:
Daniel Steudler
(left), Stig Enemark, Holger Magel, Ian Williamson
and Paul van der Molen. |
The Expert Group Meeting was held as a result of a research project
analyzing Land Administration Systems in Europe and Australia.
The project is conducted by Prof. Ian Williamson and Ms.
Wallace, Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructure and Land Administration
at University of Melbourne. Prof. Stig Enemark, Vice-President of
FIG, has acted as the European research counterpart. The project began in
2004 and requires development of a national vision for land administration
in Australia in the context of emerging information and communication
technologies. Perspectives of a sustainable future were identified during
research into international and national literature, and in case studies in
the research partner jurisdictions: Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and The
Netherlands in Europe and New South Wales, Western Australia and Victoria in
Australia. The case studies were chosen to examine why modern European
democracies are better at using land administration systems to support
sustainability than their Australian equivalents.
The international expert group meeting was conducted to examine how
European countries achieve this integration and to identify lessons that
could be applied in Australia. The discussions were open, wide ranging and
fruitful. Europe was represented by Prof. Holger Magel, President of
FIG (Germany), Prof. Paul van der Molen, Chair of FIG Com 7 (the
Netherlands, Prof. Stig Enemark, Vice-President of FIG (Denmark), and Dr. Daniel Steudler (Switzerland). Australia was represented by a number of
key persons, such as Mr. Warwick Watkins (NSW), Mr. Peter Holland
(Geoscience Australia), Mr. Grahame Searle (WA), Mr.
Rickard (Victoria) and Mr. Graeme Rush (Queensland).
A range of papers were presented and discussed. A key issue was to
analyse the current land management paradigm and develop a possible vision
for the future that could better reflect the need for spatial enabled land
administration functions focusing on not only sustainable development and
governance but also on delivering services to the business and citizens. The
meeting was concluded by a half day Open Forum where the results were
presented and discussed.
All papers and presentation as well as the final report are available on
the EGM website on
4 December 2005 Stig Enemark
 Conference delegates in a group picture. |
 Skyline of the City of Melbourne. |