9th FIG Regional Conference 2024 - Nepal
ISBN 978-87-93914-18-6 ISSN 2308-3433
Wednesday 13 November 2024
For an
overview of all sessions please see the programme
at a glance
A call-for-action publication will be published after the conference
based on the outcome of each session.
Note: In technical sessions the author(s) presenting the paper have been marked in italic style. |
Thursday, 14 November |
Thursday, 14 November 09:00–10:45 Regal Ballroom, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
Inaugural Ceremony Chair: Mr. Tirtha Bahadur Pradhanang, President of NICS
Welcome to Nepal. Join us in this festive inaugural ceremony with addresses and keynote presentations.
Platinum sponsor of the event |
Inaugural address by Hon' Balaram Adhikari
Minister for Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation
Government of Nepal
in English and Nepalese]
Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom): Land Governance for Climate Action: The Imperative for Land Professionals to Act (12943) [handouts]
Mika-Petteri Torhonen (Finland): Keynote Presentation: Access to Land for Climate Goals in South Asia Region (12942) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 10:45–11:15 Exhibition Area - Regency Hall
Tea break |
Thursday, 14 November 11:15–12:45 Regal Ballroom, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
Plenary Session I: Climate Responsible Land Governance Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden Rapporteur: Mr. Susheel Dangol (Nepal)
This first plenary session has special focus on climate change in the Asia Region, where we will explore the transformative role of surveyors and land practitioners in tackling one of humanity’s greatest challenges. The session delves into how we can safeguard vulnerable communities, promote climate-responsive land governance, and strengthen resilience against natural disasters. With the UN's 2030 Agenda as our guide, join us to discuss practical solutions and actionable insights that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together, let's drive meaningful climate action and foster a sustainable future for the Asia region.
Pranab Ranjan Choudhury and Richa Joshi (India): Making a Case for Climate Responsive Land Administration (12952) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Malcolm Childress, Cynthia Berning (USA), Markus Kukkonen (Laos, PDR), Heather Hungtington and Jennifer Lisher (USA): Strengthening Land Rights Recognition in Forestlands (12879) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Ganesh Prasad Bhatta, Reshma Shrestha, Dev Raj Paudyal and Sunil Babu Shrestha (Nepal): Reviewing Climate Change – Land Nexus in National Policies in Nepal (12913) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Paula Dijkstra (Netherlands): Unlocking the Power of Geospatial Data for Sustainable Development by the Surveying Community (12897) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 12:45–13:45 Durbar Hall
Lunch |
Thursday, 14 November 13:45–15:15 Regal II, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS01A: Innovative Approaches to Urbanization, Land Management and Climate Resilience Commission: 8 Chair: Dr. Reshma Shrestha (Nepal) Rapporteur: Mr. Prashant Ghimire (Nepal)
Dive into critical issues from mitigating urban sprawl’s effects on food
security and sustainability to harnessing Earth Observation data for resilient
urban planning. Explore how participatory GIS and potential of earth observation
data enhances climate responsiveness and community engagement for climate
resilience. With insights into urban greenery, open spaces for disaster
preparedness, waste management strategies using cutting-edge data applications,
this session promises a compelling look at the future of climate-responsive land
governance. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the dialogue shaping Asia’s
resilient urban landscape.
Madhu Sudan Adhikari, Subash Ghimire (Nepal) and Dev Raj Paudyal (Australia): Urban Expansion and Its Consequences: Impacts on Food Security and Environmental Sustainability (12875) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Rekha Poudel, Rubi Chaulagain, Binita Adhikari and Rojina Baral (Nepal): Developing Criteria for Identifying Open Spaces for Disaster Preparedness in Rural Nepal (12906) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Ashish Rijal, Aayushma Timalsina, Rakshya Khatri, Ayusha Kumari Sah and Soniya Mehta (Nepal): Integrated Approach to Waste Management in Banepa Municipality: Combining Geographic Information System, Analytical Hierarchy Process and Network Analysis for Landfill Site Selection and Route Optimization (12908) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Nok Hang NG (Hong Kong SAR, China): Unlocking the Potential of Earth Observation Data in Cultivating a Climate-Resilient City (12934) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Aashish Gautam (Nepal): Exploring Urban Greenery: A Case Study of Roadside Trees
in Pokhara Metropolitan City (12954) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 13:45–15:15 Platinum Hall, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS01B: Unlocking Property Values through greater Transparency of Sustainability Effects on the Markets Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Germany Rapporteur: Mr.Harisharan Nepal (Nepal)
Discover how market transparency can mitigate the effects of climate risks on property values. With insights from diverse case studies, we’ll delve into innovative strategies to enhance property value amidst sustainability challenges. Join us to explore the intersection of land governance, climate resilience, and market dynamics, and help shape a more sustainable and transparent future in real estate.
Peter R. Ache (Germany): Misbehaving of Markets and the FIG-Goal of Transparency on Real Estate Markets
(12902) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Hrvoje Tomić, Samanta Bačić, Miodrag Roić and Goran Andlar (Croatia): Exploring the Urban Green Infrastructure Index: A Case Study of Zagreb, Croatia (12904) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Victor Olonde (Kenya), Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal), John Gitau, Hellen Ndungu and Robert Lewis Lettington (Kenya): Global Valuation Practice: Lessons for Nepal (12914) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Wolfgang Glunz (Germany): The Impact of Climate Risks on the Value of Real Estate Properties – How a Transparent Real Estate Market May Provide Solutions – As a Basis for Discussion (12916) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 13:45–15:15 Regal I, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS01C Towards a Modern and Localized Land Administration System: Launch of the Technical Assistance on the Digitalization of Nepals Land Administration Sector
Co-organisers: World Bank and Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives, and Poverty Alleviation (MLMCPA) Chair: Mr. Dongkyu Kwak (USA), Senior Land Administration Specialist, World Bank Rapporteur: Ms. Jeny Shrestha (Nepal), Urban Consultant, World Bank
The session, co-organized by the Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives,
and Poverty Alleviation (MLMCPA) and the World Bank, launches the new Technical
Assistance for the "Digitalization of Nepal’s Land Administration Sector." While
cadastral and land registry records are largely digitized, further modernization
is needed for greater efficiency and access. Decentralizing land administration
services to municipalities, as required by the Constitution, is also essential.
Nepal’s land valuation and taxation systems face challenges, such as lacking
standards and weak administration, and modernizing these systems is vital for
fostering a transparent real estate market and enhancing revenue generation.
Key Messages
- Mr. Mika-Petteri Torhonen (Finland), Global Lead on Land, World Bank
- Mr. Arjun Prasad Pokharel (Nepal), Secretary, Ministry of Land
Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation (MLMCPA)
- Land Administration System in Nepal: Challenges, Initiatives and
Mr. Ganesh Prasad Bhatta (Nepal), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Land
Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation (MLMCPA)
- Technical Assistance on the Digitalization of Nepal’s Land
Administration Sector: Overview and Next Steps
Mr. Danilo Antonio (South Korea), Land and Geospatial Specialist, World Bank
- Mr. Prakash Joshi (Nepal), Director General, Department of Survey,
- Q and A
| Thursday, 14 November 15:15–15:45 Exhibition Area - Regency Hall
Tea Break |
Thursday, 14 November 15:45–17:15 Regal II, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS02A Climate and disaster resilient rural land use planning Commission: 8 Chair: Mr. Janak Raj Joshi, Nepal Rapporteur: Mr Tanka Prasad Dahal, Nepal
Prepare to delve into the forefront of geospatial technology and innovative policies for land use planning. Discover how cutting-edge tools and strategies are transforming land use planning, enhancing food security, and building climate resilience. From UAV imagery to multi-hazard early warning systems, and from land use zoning to precision agriculture, this session will redefine your understanding of climate-responsive land governance.
Vivek Dumre, Monika Manandhar, Rajan Adhikari, Sunil Sah, Susmita Chaudhary, Ajay Thapa, Janak Raj Joshi and Reshma Shrestha (Nepal): Assessment of Land Degradation in Khotang District using Remote Sensing and GIS
(12864) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Gonpo Tenzin (Bhutan), Chencho Tshering, Pema Wangda and Tika Chhetri (Bhutan): National Land Use Zoning: A Harmonized Land Use System Towards Climate Responsive Land Governance (12882) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Tanka Prasad Dahal, Purna Bahadur Nepali and Reshma Shrestha (Nepal): Policies and Institutions for Land Use Planning in Nepal: Implementation Status Review for Food Security (12922) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Binod Prasad Bhatta, Gorakh Nath Pandey, Mamta Kadel, Sadikshya Adhikari, Manoj Kumar Bhat (Nepal), Shangharsha Thapa (Sweden), Sujan Sapkota and Shreejan Pokharel (Nepal): Precision Agriculture in Nepal: Multiphase Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes Using Multispectral UAV Imageries (12923) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Ashok Shrestha (Nepal): Application of Web Based Model on Land Pooling (12926) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Kiran Bhusal, Ashok Thakulla and Aarati Poudel (Nepal): Multi-Hazard Early Warning System(MHEWS) in Janaki Rural Municipality: A GIS Perspective (12929) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 15:45–17:15 Platinum Hall, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS02B: Enhancing Disaster & Climate Resilience through Knowledge and Capacity Commission: 2 Chair: Dr. Dimo Todorovski, Netherlands Rapporteur: Mr. Ram Kumar Sapkota (Nepal)
Step into the future of resilience through collaborative, knowledge-driven approaches! Join us as we explore global perspective on geomatics education’s role in advancing territorial governance. Uncover the transformative impact of surveyors, working alongside communities to build resilient infrastructures. Gain insights into cutting-edge GNSS monitoring for safeguarding transportation networks against natural disasters.
Angel Collado (Spain): A Global Perspective on Geomatics Education for Territorial Governance (12884) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Masaru Kaidzu (Japan): Effort to Keep Number of Field Surveyors (12886) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Achut Krishna Pandey, Subash Ghimire and Suresh Chaudhary (Nepal): A Community-Driven Approach to Landslide Hazard Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management in Nepal (12887) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
John Brock (Australia): How Surveyors Have Changed the World Part II! (12924) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Jun Wang, Ryan Keenan and Lee Hellen (Australia): Enhancing Natural Disaster Resilience in Transportation Infrastructure Using Kurloo GNSS Monitoring (12950) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 15:45–17:15 Regal I, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS02C Property Valuation Systems and Standards: Addressing Challenges and Unlocking Opportinities Commission: World Bank Chair: Dr. Mika-Petteri Törhönen, Finland Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, Korea, Republic of
South Asia's rapid urbanization and economic growth are driving significant real estate development. A robust land and property valuation system is vital for enabling informed decisions by governments, investors, and developers while facilitating various societal functions. However, weak land administration systems persist in the region, and property valuation and taxation systems, standards, and professions are weakly regulated and overseen. This session aims to explore these challenges and initiate efforts to strengthen learning exchanges, potentially leading to the establishment of a regional Community of Practice focused on land and property valuation.
Full concept note and programme
Subash Ghimire (Nepal), Danilo Ramos Antonio (Philippines), Markus Olavi Kukkonen (Finland) and Ganesh Prasad Bhatta (Nepal): Land and Property Valuation in Nepal (12889) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Upuli Perera (Sri Lanka): Land and Property Valuation and Taxation in Sri Lanka (12973) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Prem Bdr. Chhetri (Bhutan): Land and Property Valuation and Taxation in Bhutan (12974) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Thursday, 14 November 18:00–21:00 Regal Ballroom, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
Welcome Dinner
All attendees are invited to this Welcome Dinner. The dinner is supported by the World Bank and enables participants to meet and greet in a more relaxed setting and to celebrate the achievements of the first conference day.
Friday, 15 November |
Friday, 15 November 08:00–08:45 Senator Meeting Room (organiser room)
TM01 - Meeting on Call to Action Chair: Dr. Clarissa Augustinus, Ireland
Interested attendees are invited to this meeting to discuss the draft Call to Action. The Call to Action will be finalised for the Closing Ceremony. Please see the
Call to
Action document
Friday, 15 November 09:00–10:45 Regal Ballroom, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
Plenary session II: Disaster Resilience Chair: Ms. Winnie Shiu, Hong Kong SAR, China Rapporteur: Dr. Subash Ghimire (Nepal)
This essential session on disaster management tailored, explores how surveying expertise in land governance, geospatial data, and land rights is pivotal in building disaster resilience across the Asia region setting the scene for practical strategies for mitigating the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities, ensuring security of tenure, and enhancing sustainable land management practices. Grounded in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the FIG’s vision of climate action, the discussion will focus on how surveyors and land practitioners can use their skills to safeguard communities and landscapes against the growing threats of climate-induced disasters. Gain insights, share knowledge, and be inspired to take proactive roles in addressing the urgent challenges of disaster resilience.
Birendra Bajracharya (Nepal): Earth Observation Applications for Enhanced Resilience to Climate-induced Disasters (12944) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Rishiraj Dutta (Thailand): Capacitating Southeast Asia through the use of Geospatial Technology and Earth Observation Data for Improved Decision-Making (12925) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Jagannath Aryal (Australia): Disaster Resilience from the Lens of Earth Observation in the Digital Era (12938) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Ikram Ul Haq and Nabeel Javed, Director General, Punjab Land Records Authority (Pakistan): Land Rights, Digital Governance, and Disaster Preparedness:
A Case Study of PULSE Implementation in Punjab (12941) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Manandhar Dinesh (Japan): Low-Cost GNSS Receiver Systems for Disaster Management, Dynamic Air-Quality Monitoring, and Gateless Toll Gate (12959) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Friday, 15 November 10:45–11:15 Exhibition Area - Regency Hall
Tea Break |
Friday, 15 November 11:15–12:45 Regal II, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS03A: Innovative Land Administration Approaches, Global Land and Environmental Frameworks Commission: 7 Chair: Mr Shaharuddin Musa (Malaysia) Rapporteur: Mr Sudeep Shrestha (Nepal)
Explore innovative land administration strategies that are building resilient communities and advancing sustainable development to tackle today’s global challenges. Discover the use of AI for automatic digitization of historical cadastral maps, shifts in land cover, modern techniques for land parcel demarcation in flood-prone areas, and the power of geospatial data for effective crisis response. Gain insights into Asia-Pacific's approach and capacity for climate-responsive land administration, and see how these advancements are paving the way toward a more sustainable future.
Nabin Kumar Sah, Bishal Khatri and Subash Ghimire (Nepal): Modern Approaches of Land Parcel Frequent Demarcation of Highly Flooded Prone Zone of Koshi River Basin (12880) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Sanjeevan Shrestha, Tina Baidar and Shangharsha Thapa (Nepal): Improving Cadastral Accuracy for Disaster Management: The Role of Segment Anything Model (SAM) in Digitizing Historical Cadastral Maps (12895) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Muhammad Sheraz Ahsan, Salman Atif (Pakistan), Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands), Ejaz Hussain (Pakistan) and Mila Koeva (Netherlands): Assessing Urban Land Administration Capacity to Achieve 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Pakistan (12905) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Eva-Maria Unger, Claudia Lindner (Netherlands), John Gitau (Kenya), Raja Ram Chattkuli and Janak Raj Joshi (Nepal): Effective Land Administration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Insights from Nepal on Navigating Governance, Legal, and Financial Pathways within the Climate Change – Land Nexus (12918) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Narayan Thapa and Sushant Sharma (Nepal): Integrating Machine Learning and Community-Based Approaches for Enhanced Early Warning Systems in Cascading Hazard Zones: A Case Study from Melamchi, Nepal (12951) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Pragya Pant, Narayan Thapa, Sujan Nepali and Suman Sanjel (Nepal): Land Cover Change Before and After the Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction (12953) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Friday, 15 November 11:15–12:45 Platinum Hall, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS03B: Leveraging Remote Sensing, GIS and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Ryan Keenan, Australia Rapporteur: Ms Tina Baidar (Nepal)
Embark on a journey through the latest innovations in remote sensing, GIS, and technology, transforming the path to sustainable development! From monitoring coral reef health and supraglacial lake trends to deploying low-cost GNSS systems for disaster management, this session dives into transformative applications. Learn about innovative UAV, LiDAR, and geophysical techniques for landslide monitoring and how GNSS supports climate-responsive land governance.
Pradeep Upadhyay, Prawal Parajuli, Arun Bhomi, Rabina Poudyal and Yubraj Kawar (Nepal): Assessing Coral Reef Changes through Supervised Classification and its Correlation with SST and Chlorophyll-A: A Remote Sensing Approach (12876) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Sandesh Upadhyaya, Prabin Gyawali, Shanker KC, Suresh Shrestha and Stallin Bhandari (Nepal): The Fundamental Role of GNSS in Modern Surveying and Mapping to Support Climate Responsive Land Governance and to Enhance Disaster Resilience (12890) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Sanchitha Lakshan Witharana and Eranda Gunathilaka (Sri Lanka): Utilizing UAV, LiDAR, and Subsurface Geophysical Mapping Techniques for Comprehensive Landslide Monitoring in Sri Lanka (12899) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Chokila Chokila, Phurba Phurba, Kinzang Thinley, Jamphel Gyeltshen (Bhutan) and Rui Fernandes (Portugal): Enhancing Land Governance and Disaster Resilience in Bhutan through DrukNet (12917) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Sudipta Poudel, Aman Manandhar, Pratima Thapa and Asmita Banepali (Nepal): Yield Estimation of Rice Using Multispectral Imagery from UAV in Nepal (12919) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Kabiraj Rokaya and Shristi Paudel (Nepal): Assessment of trend of supraglacial lake development in Western Nepal (12931) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Friday, 15 November 11:15–12:45 Regal I, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS03C Towards Effective Property Valuation and Taxation: Lessons, Analytics, and New Horizons Commission: World Bank Chair: Ms Hellen Nyamweru, Kenya Rapporteur: Mr. Uma Panday (Nepal), World Bank
Property valuation plays a crucial role in economic development, wealth creation, and sustainability. A robust valuation infrastructure underpins property trading, mortgaging, taxation, compensation, planning and financial reporting. Reliable valuation also facilitates the efficient transfer of land rights, supports financing for sub-national governments, and enhances spatial planning. It strengthens banking and financial markets stability by better accounting, lending and insurance. This session aims to highlight experiences and analytics on how effective land and property valuation can increase revenue generation and improve urban infrastructure and municipal services.
Full concept note and programme
Danilo Antonio (Republic of Korea): Land and Property Valuation for Sustainable Urbanization: Findings and Recommendations from East Asia (12975) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Mahesh Thapa and Harisharan Nepal (Nepal): GIS-based Property Valuation: Lessons Learned from Banepa Municipality (12976) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Dong Kyu Kwak and Uri Raich (USA): The Role of New Technologies in Own-Source Revenue Generation (12977) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] |
Friday, 15 November 12:45–13:45 Durbar Hall
Lunch |
Friday, 15 November 13:45–15:15 Regal II, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS04A: Safeguarding Land Rights amidst the Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters Commission: 7 Chair: Mr Raja Ram Chhatkuli, Nepal Rapporteur: Mr. Sanjeevan Shrestha (Nepal)
Step into the crucial conversation on safeguarding land rights in the face of climate and disaster challenges. From addressing the unique impacts of land tenure reforms on women in Papua New Guinea to advancing collaborative governance in Indonesia, this session has it all. Discover cutting-edge tech solutions, like GNSS data processing for climate and disaster induced challenges and a Python library for detecting inconsistency in land records, for addressing land safeguarding challenges. Learn from Nepal’s journey to balance land access for the landless while protecting public lands and formalizing rights for marginalized communities, driving sustainable land management and social justice forward.
Flora Kwapena (Papua New Guinea): Impact of Customary Land Tenure Systems and Reforms on Women in Papua New Guinea (12874) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Yuri Noyanov (Russia): GNSS Data Processing Package to Address Climate Change and Disaster Induced Challenges in Safeguarding Land Rights (12891) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Mahesh Thapa (Nepal): A Python Library for Detection of Inconsistencies between Parcel Database and Plot Register (12900) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Raja Ram Chhatkuli, Pragya Pradhan, Jagat Deuja (Nepal), Hellen Ndungu and Victor Olonde (Kenya): Balancing Access to Land for the Landless and Protection of Government and Public Land: The Case of Sustainable Land Management in Nepal (12901) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Dharm Raj Joshi and Tripti Mahaseth (Nepal): Formalization of Land Rights of Landless and Informal Settlers in Nepal: A Journey Towards Establishing Social Justice (12911) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] Further Reading:
Dony Erwan Brilianto, Vito Haga Mursa and Ayu Nadiyariani (Indonesia): Collaborative Governance for Safeguarding Land Rights in Indonesia (12881) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. |
Friday, 15 November 13:45–15:15 Platinum Hall, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS04B: Partner Spotlights Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden Rapporteur: Mr. Sharad Chandra Mainali, (Nepal)
This session offers a unique chance to learn from our sponsors and partners how their tools enhance resilience, safeguard land rights, and drive sustainable development goals. Don’t miss out on the insights, networking, and opportunities to collaborate with experts and leaders shaping the future of climate-responsive land governance! Thanks to our sponsors for being part of this conference>
Subhash Kumar (India): CORS for Atmospheric Studies and Disaster Mitigation (12957) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Dong Huang (China, PR): SmartEarth 3D Real Scene Product and Service Solution (12971) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
Prudence Xu (China, PR): Mars Laser RTK – Changer in the World of Surveying and Mapping (12972) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] Further Reading:
Luc Groot (Netherlands): Digital Transformation in Land Administration: Kadaster’s Experiences in the Netherlands and Abroad (12961) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. |
Friday, 15 November 13:45–15:15 Regal I, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
TS04C Round Table Discussion on Property Valuation and Taxation Commission: World Bank and 9 Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, Korea, Republic of
All authors and presenters from TS01B, TS02C and TS03C are encouraged to participate in this roundtable discussion together with interested participants.
Full concept note Part I
Property related decisions under risks and the
transparency of markets
- Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal) or Hellen Ndungu (Kenya)
- Wolfgang Glunz (Germany)
- Danilo Antonio (South Korea)
Part II
Title: Towards a vibrant and connected community of property
- Prem Badur Chhetri (Bhutan)
- Subash Ghimire (Nepal
- Upuli Perera (Sri Lanka)
- Pranab Ranjan Choudhury (India)
Friday, 15 November 15:15–15:45 Exhibition Area - Regency Hall
Tea Break |
Friday, 15 November 15:45–17:15 Regal Ballroom, Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu
Closing Ceremony Chair: Mr. Niraj Manandhar, Vice President of NICS
The Closing Ceremony will first and foremost wrap up the findings and outcome from the sessions throughout the two conference days. Each session will contribute to this summary. A Call to Action, presented by Dr. Clarissa Augustinus will be handed over to the Chief Guest, Mr. Arjun Prasad Pokharel, Secretary of the Ministry of Land Management. The Call to Action and the outcome of the conference will be published in an action-oriented FIG Publication
Call-to-Action document
Closing - Call to action presentation by Dr
Clarissa Augustinus, FIG
[handouts] Closing by FIG President
Dr. Diane
Saturday, 16 November |
Saturday, 16 November 04:30–17:00 Lobby Yak & Yeti Hotel
The tour starts early - meeting time is 4:30 AM at the lobby of the Yak & Yeti hotel. Please be on time because first stop will be the sunrise at Nagarkot. Hereafter the trip continues to Bhaktapur Durbar Square and its surroundings, the Land Management Training Center (LMTC) and Kathmandu University (KU) and finally Handigaun, a vehicle-free area (on Saturday), and roam around the city, enjoying the indigenous culture.
© International Federation of
Surveyors, FIG 2024 |