Conference and Seminar Proceedings

FIG Commission 3 Workshop
The empowerment of Local Authorities: Spatial Information and Spatial
Planning Tools
25-28 October 2011, Paris, France
Day 1: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
18:30 - 20:30 - Evening Welcome Cocktail
Reception at the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts OGE.
Day 2: Wedensday, October 26, 2011
08:30-09:15 - Registration
09:15-10:15 Technical Session 1: Opening of the Workshop
Welcome addresses and keynote speeches
Chair: Mr. Rafic Khouri
- Prof. Yerach Doytsher - Chair, FIG Commission 3
- Mr. Rafic Khouri – Chair, Local Organizing
- Mr. Francois Mazuyer - President of the Ordre des
Geometres Experts and Federation of Francophone Surveyors
- Mr. Gerard Cherel - the Societe du Grand Paris
- Prof. Chryssy Potsiou - FIG Vice President –
Keynote speaker: Spatial Information and Spatial Planning Tools.
Engaging the Challenge - Enhancing the Relevance
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:45 Technical Session 2: GIS Systems and Tools
Chair: Kari Strande
Development of Environmental Modeling for Land Use Planning on New
Approaches to Spatial Modeling and Sustainable Development in Iran
Alireza Gharazoglou, Mojgan Hejani Diarjan, IRAN
[paper] [handouts]
GeoSit: Cutting Edge Technology for the Professional Technician for
Optimizing Management of the Territory
Andrea Massaro, ITALY
[paper] [handouts]
Geographical Information System, a Tool for better Spatial Planning - A new
Reza Valizadeh, Sajjad Rajabi, Morteza Karimzadeh, Niknam Ghiasi, IRAN
Development & Management of Suburban Address and Building Licensing System
with GIS in Tekirdag City
Cem Eraslan, TURKEY
[paper] [handouts]
The Use of Satellite Imageries to Support Tourism Sector in Banga Belitug
Islands, Indonesia
Sri Eka Wati, Lalitya Narieswari, INDONESIA
[paper] [handouts]
Determining Suitable Locations for Small Dams Using Spatial Information
Aided Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographical Information Systems
(Case Study: Kermanshah Province)
Mahshid Souri, Mohamad Jafari, Hassan Azarnivand, Ali Noorifarid, IRAN
[paper] [handouts]
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Technical Session 3: Spatial Planning Tools
Chair: Claire Galpin
Reflections on PPP between Urban Planning Agencies and a Private Company
from France in Favor of the City of Bangalore (India)
Jean Philippe Lestang, FRANCE
[paper] [handouts]
LandSpaCES: A Spatial Planning Tool for Land Consolidation
Demetris Demetriou, John Stillwell, Linda See, UK
[paper] [handouts]
An Approach for Framework Design of Spatial Data Infrastructure in Pakistan
Hussain Zahid, Karim Shahid, Khan Aziz Junaid, PAKISTAN
[paper] [handouts]
Integration of System Dynamic and Spatial Dynamic Models to Support Regional
Development Planning (Case Study in Java Madura Bali)
Ferrari Pinem, Sigit Purnomo, INDONESIA
[paper] [handouts]
A Spatial Planning Tool for Local Authorities: Strategic Environmental
Nuriye Peker Say, TURKEY
[paper] [handouts]
Latest Issues Related to Urban Planning Mapping in France
Yves Riallant, FRANCE
[paper] [handouts]
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 Technical Session 4: Technical Aspects of SIM
Chair: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis
Contemporary Data Collection and Spatial Information Management Techniques
to Support Good Land Policies
Charalabos Ioannidis, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
Geohazards Revealed from 800km in Space: The PanGeo Project
Chris Browitt, Ren Capes, UK
[paper] [handouts]
The Process of Spatial Data Harmonization in Italy
Paola Ronzino, ITALY
[paper] [handouts]
Modelling Framework for Integration of Geographical Information System and
Multi-Agent Models as Planning Support Tools in Enhancing Local Authority
Noordini Che Man, Harry Timmermans, The NETHERLANDS
[paper] [handouts]
The Potential of Terrestrial Photogrammetry for Inventory Process
Shuib Rambat, Mahamad Syazli Fathi, Aizul Nahar Harun, Saiful Amri Mazlan,
Nazirah Abdullah, John Elgy, MALAYSIA
[paper] [handouts]
The Portal GEOFONCIER: the Land Information Portal Set Up by the Ordre des
Geometres Experts
Patrick Bezard Falgas, FRANCE
[paper] [handouts]
Day 3: Thursday, October 27, 2011
08:30 - 10:00 Technical Session 5: Spatial Data Inrastructure
Chair: Prof. Harmut Muller
Multi-View SDI Assessment of Kosovo (2007-2010) - Developing a Solid Base to
Support SDI Strategy Development
Bujar Nushi, Bastian Van Loenen, Jaap Besemer, the NETHERLANDS,
Joep Crompvotes, BELGIUM
[paper] [handouts]
Local SDI (Collaboration on SOI)
Christian Hickel, Jorg Blankenbach, GERMANY
[paper] [handouts]
Spatial Data Infrastructure for Greek Local Authorities: Time for a Step
Dionysia Perperidou, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
Site View Reconstruction for Urban Planning Using ArcGIS, Google Sketch up
and Google Earth A Case Study of the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus
Raphael Ike Ndukwu, Njike Chigbu, Michael Daberechi, NIGERIA
[paper] [handouts]
e-Governance for Water Complait Redressal System
Anjana Vyas, INDIA
[paper] [handouts]
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:30 Technical Session 6: Cadastre and Cadastral Management
Chair: Prof. Chryssy Potsiou
Cadastre and Colonial Policies: A Word Heritage of Cultures
Maria Luisa Palanques, Miguel Calvo, SPAIN
[paper] [handouts]
A First Attempt for Using VGI and Crowd Sourcing Techniques in Cadastre
Sofia Basiouka, Chryssy Potsiou, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
The Contribution of Forest Owners Associations for the Forest Cadastre
Joao Gaspar, Ana Navaro, PORTUGAL
[paper] [handouts]
Spatial Multi Criteria Decision Making For Coastal Land Management (Case
Study at Maros, South Sulawesi)
Ferrari Pinem, Sigit Purnomo, INDONESIA
[paper] [handouts]
Urban Land Register in Medium Size Cities of Benin
Pierre Renault, FRANCE
[paper] [handouts]
Spatial Data Quality Assessment for Cadastral Data in Pakistan
Hussain Zahid, Rizwan Bulbul, Muhammad Adeel, PAKISTAN
[paper] [handouts]
STDM : How to Help Local Communities
Claire Galpin, FRANCE
[paper] [handouts]
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:30 Commission 3 Annual Meeting
14:30-16:00 Technical Session 7: Environmental Issues and Modelling
Chair: Dr. Sagi Dalyot
How to Insert Measurement in Assessment the Use of Geo Referenced
Measurement in Strategic Environmental Assessment
Mania Lambrou, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
Land Information System, Which Challenges for Land Administration in the
Rural Communes of the Senegal River Valley?
Mathias Koffi, SENEGAL
[paper] [handouts]
Analysis of Phenomenon of Desertification by using Algerian Satellite Data
in the North Algerian Steppe
Ahmed Zegrar, ALGERIA
[paper] [handouts]
Sustainability Indicators Using for Measuring Monitoring and Reporting on
Progress towards Sustainability
Akrivi Leka, Angel Siolas, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 Technical Session 8: Best Peer-Review Papers (selection of best
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher
Access to Land and Legal Rights on Land and Housing Aspects of Greek Roma
Chryssy Potsiou, Efi Dimopoulou, GREECE
[paper] [handouts]
Local SDI, a Solid Base for Sustainable Land Management in Germany
Ulrike Klein, Harmut Muller, GERMANY
[paper] [handouts]
Automatic Geo-referencing of Provisional Cadastral Maps: Towards a
Survey-accurate Cadastral Database for a National Spatial Data
David Siriba, Sagi Dalyot, GERMANY
[paper] [handouts]
Conditioned Design in Suburban Settlements - Sachnin as a Case Study
Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman, Efrat Blumenfeld-Liberthal, ISREAL
[paper] [handouts]
GEO-Crime. Innovative Solution for Crime Analysis and Prevention
Miguel Calvo, SPAIN,
Heinz Saler, Eileen Matz, GERMANY
[paper] [handouts]
Detecting Changes in Urban Environments via Terrestrial Laser Scans
Sagi Filin, Reem Zeibak, ISRAEL
[paper] [handouts]
18:30-18:45 Best paper announcement and closing ceremony
Day 4: Friday, October 28, 2011
Technical Visit - Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme (APUR)
The technical visit, on Friday the 28th of October from 9.30 to 12.30, will
be held at the “Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme” (APUR), which deals with all
aspects regarding urban planning in Paris and its region.
The technical visit will include two presentations: one on the Greater Paris
project (in which APUR has played an important technical role), and the
other on the Paris cadastre, which is managed by APUR.
The visit will include a beautiful scenery of the Seine river.
For more information about APUR: (in English), and (in French).