FIG Working Week and XXX General Assembly in Hong Kong SAR,
13-17 May 2007
Strategic Integration of Surveying Services - First Working
Week for the new FIG Council a big success
The FIG Working Week 2007 and XXX General Assembly was
organised in Hong Kong SAR, China 13-17 May 2007. The conference was
attended by more than 500 delegates from 64 countries. The Working Week was
organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors HKIS together with FIG.
The local organising Committee was chaired by Mr. Hak Chan and the
Congress Director was the capable Ms.
Winnie Shiu.
Opening Ceremony and plenary sessions
The highlight of the opening ceremony was the Lion Eye dotting Ceremony
followed by the Lion Dance. The Eye Dotting Ceremony was performed by the
Honorable Donald Tsang, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, Mr. Raymond
Chan, President of HKIS and Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President.
The welcome addresses were given by Mr. Lu Xinshe, Vice Minister,
Ministry of Land and Resources and Director General of State Bureau of
Surveying and Mapping, Mr. Hak Chan, President Raymond Chan and President
Stig Enemark.
At the plenary session after the opening ceremony the keynote addresses
were given by Dr. Leung Ying, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Non-official
Members of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong SAR. The second keynote
speaker was President Enemark, whose presentation was about "The Role of
FIG in Responding the Millennium Goals and the Global Agenda".
The other two plenary sessions focussed on Governing Mega Cities -
policies and technical aspects with Prof. Holger Magel, Mr. Albert
Leung and Mr. Tony Tse as the keynote speakers. The final plenary
session was about Responding to the Global agenda with Keith Bell
from the World Bank, Prof. Theo Kötter from Uni Bonn and Dr. Xiao
Ping as the keynote speakers.
Technical programme
The technical and scientific programme of the conference consisted 60
technical sessions and almost 300 papers. Unfortunately the number of
un-presented papers was bigger than in previous FIG events. Some of the
sessions offered high profile presentations and especially the session that
was coordinated with the World Bank got good impressions. In the future
Commissions are considering to increase the number of invited papers. This
together with the peer-review process will offer good opportunities to
academic members and at the same time raise the general level of
presentations. The opportunity to provide case studies and practical papers
will be kept.
Social Events
The Congress week was also full of social highlights starting with the
welcome reception at Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel followed by the FIG Foundation
Dinner and Chinese Evening at the Stanley Plaza with the Hong Kong Police
Band. The farewell dinner took place at the conference hotel. The
exhibitors' party was well received both by the exhibitors and the visitors.
The FIG General Assembly met in two sessions on Sunday 13 May and on
Thursday 17 May 2007 at the Shangri-La. Some new members were approved
including new member association from Romania and affiliate members from
Norway and Tajikistan. Bentley Systems joined as platinum corporate member.
The General Assembly also expelled some member associations, affiliates and
academic members due to unpaid membership fees. Prof. Holger Magel
was appointed as an Honorary President.
Among other issues that were adopted by the General Assembly were the FIG
Council and Commission work plans for 2007-2010. In addition the MoU between
FIG and the World Bank was endorsed. FIG Working Week 2012 was given to CNG
from Italy to be held in Rome.
The second session of the General Assembly focussed on report of the next
Links to documents and reports of the FIG Working Week and
XXX General Assembly in Hong Kong SAR, China
- Keynote presentations:
Opening Address by President Stig Enemark
- "The Role of FIG in Responding to the Millennium
Development Goals and the Global Agenda". Keynote Address by
President Enemark
- "Global Expertise for Globalized Markets". Keynote Address
by C. Y. Leung, Convenor, Executive Council of HKSAR
Closing Address by President Enemark (handouts of the
powerpoint presentation)
- Conference Proceedings
Meeting programme