FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

Report from Mudit Kapoor
FIG Foundation Young Surveyor Grant Recipient to attend the FIG Congress
2018 in Istanbul, Turkey
“The 2018 FIG Congress was once in
a lifetime experience for me. I attended technical sessions
related to data analysis, computation, storage, and surveying. I
also got the chance to attend the STDM workshop. In this
workshop, I have got to know about the GLTN plugin (QGIS). It is
really a great tool to help the community.”
It has been a great experience attending the 2018 FIG
Congress and FIG Young Surveyors Meeting in Istanbul,
Turkey where I met many intelligent and sharp
international colleagues in the field of Land Surveying.
I received an FIG Foundation Grant to attend these
scientific events. I delivered a talk on the topic of
“Solar Potential Assessment using Big Data and Cloud
Geospatial techniques” in the 4th FIG Young Surveyors
Meeting. I received valuable inputs by the Young
Surveyors. This meeting is for the young surveyors of
the world, where we have exchanged our views and
discussed the issues in the Land Surveying. It was a
great experience in meeting with Mr. John Hohol
(President, FIG Foundation). He has shared the surveying
experiences during network events. The FIG Young
Surveyors Meeting was well organized by Ms. Eva Maria
Unger (Chair, YSN). It was the well-combined technical
sessions with cultural events.
The 2018 FIG Congress was once in a lifetime experience for me. I
attended technical sessions related to data analysis, computation, storage,
and surveying. I also got the chance to attend the STDM workshop. In this
workshop, I have got to know about the GLTN plugin (QGIS). It is really a
great tool to help the community.
In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to people who
have made these events possible and those who have shared their experiences
during that one exciting week in Istanbul. I have benefited very much from
this fantastic event. I wish to attend more events like this in the future.
/Mudit Kapoor
Ph.D. Candidate, Geomatics Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

From left: Cemre Sahinkaya, Turkey, Jean-Pierre Habiyaremye, Rwanda, Ana
Julia Herrera Gonzalez, Costa Rica, John Hohol, President, FIG Foundation,
Eva-Maria Unger, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network, James
Quick, United Kingdom and Mudit Kapoor, India.