FIG Council
Engaging the Challenge: Enhancing the Relevance
Vice President Mr. Iain Greenway, 2009-2012
Curriculum Vitae
Mr. Iain Greenway
Date of birth: 4 June 1965
Nationality: British
Status: Married (to Donna) – sons Max and Oliver
Current position: Chief Survey Officer of Northern Ireland and
Director of Operations in Land and Property Services
Iain Greenway is Chief Survey Officer of Northern Ireland and
Director of Operations in Land and Property Services. As such, he is
responsible for all land registration and rate collection activity in
the Agency, as well as overseeing the development of the Geographic
Information Strategy for Northern Ireland. He was from 2006-2008 Chief
Executive of the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland. He holds an M.A.
in Engineering from Cambridge University, an M.Sc. in Land Survey from
University College London and an MBA from Cranfield University
(including study at Macquarie University, Australia). Between 2000 and
2006, Iain was General Manager (Operations & Mapping) of Ordnance Survey
Ireland, responsible for management of the operations and mapping
technology of the organisation as it underwent profound changes in
status, structure, processes and culture. In 1999-2000 he worked in Her
Majesty's Treasury in the Secretariat to the Public Services
Productivity Panel (PSPP).
Between 1986 and 1999 he worked for the Ordnance Survey of Great
Britain. His positions during those years included geodetic and
topographic survey, strategic planning and pricing, sales and marketing,
as well as a number of management consultancy inputs in Swaziland and
Lesotho and technical consultancies supporting land reform in Eastern
Iain is a Chartered Surveyor (MRICS), an Honorary Fellow of the
Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (FInstCES), a Fellow of the
Irish Institution of Surveyors (FIS) and a member of the Chartered
Institute of Marketing (MCIM). Between 1998 and 2006 he was the head of
the RICS delegation to the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
He is Chair of the FIG Standards Network and of the FIG Task Force on
Institutional and Organisation Development. He is also a member of the
Management and Editorial Boards of the journal Survey Review. He has
published a range of articles and papers on geodetic surveys, business
and management practices, sales and marketing, and standardisation.
Professional Career
Land and Property Services Northern Ireland
- Operations Director and Chief Survey Officer, 2008-
- Chief Survey Officer 2008
Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
Ordnance Survey Ireland
- General Manager (Operations and Mapping), 2000-06
HM Treasury, UK (1999-2000)
Ordnance Survey Great Britain (1987-99)
- Business Strategist, 1999
- Sales Manager, 1997-99
- International Consultant, 1995-99
- Product Manager, 1996-97
- Policy Analyst, 1995-96
- Project Leader, Quality Systems, 1994
- International Consultant, 1993-94
- Organisational Restructuring, 1993
Education and Training
- 1994 - 95: Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Awards: Henry Ford II Scholar (top student), Courage Award of
Distinction, Booker Prize for Marketing
- 1994 - 95: Chartered Institute of Marketing, Diploma in
- 1986 - 87: University College London, MSc in Land Survey
Awards: Hart Prize (top student)
- 1983 - 86: Emmanuel College Cambridge, MA (Hons) in Engineering
Upper Second
- Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors FInstCES, 2008-
- Irish Institution of Surveyors FIS, 2005-
- Chartered Institute of Marketing MCIM, 1997-
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors MRICS, 1990-
Activities in FIG
Significant activity in a wide range of roles since 1994, including:
- Head of RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
delegation to FIG (1999-2006), managing a complex and multi-faceted
interface between the federation and its largest member association
- Director of the FIG Foundation (2000-present), taking a key role
in building a fund and setting the parameters within which it will
be dispersed to support the development of the profession
- Chair of the FIG Task Force on Institutional and Organisational
Development (2007-present), leading a multidisciplinary,
international team creating material to support development of
capacity in land administration
- Chair of the FIG Standards Task Force (1998-2002) and
subsequently Standards Network (2002-present), responsible with a
few others for raising the profile of standards in FIG, and
invigorating FIG’s engagement in standardisation to the extent that
the federation is recognised as very active in this field
- Author of the well-received FIG Guide on Standardisation
- Vice President 2009-2012
Other positions
International and European Standards
A respected member of the international community creating standards
in the geographic information field:
- Lead FIG expert to ISO/TC211 (Geographic Information)
(1997-present), taking an active role in a number of projects,
attending the majority of plenary meetings, and being recognised as
a key player in the TC211 Outreach Group
- Chair of the ISO/TC211 Focus Group on Data Producers
(2003-2007), leading an international team determining the needs of
data providers (including national mapping agencies) regarding
geographic information standards
- Lead Irish expert to ISO/TC211 (2002-06), attempting to raise
the profile of and interest in the TC’s work in Ireland
- Lead Irish expert (2004-2006) to the re-formed CEN/TC287
(Geographic Information), in these early stages taking an active
engagement in the various working groups and the Outreach Group.
Survey Review
Member of the editorial and management boards of this leading
international learned journal, taking a lead role in marketing and
developmental work as the Board implements organisational and legal
structures to ensure the ongoing viability and sustainability of the
journal whilst also maintaining its independence.
UK ACE Association
Treasurer and Board member (2006-present) of the Association
representing Chief Executives and Senior Managers of UK Government Arms
Length Delivery Bodies (Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies etc).
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
External examiner to the Geomatics bachelor degree programme
Author (1987-present) of a significant number of professional and
technical papers including on change management, standards, professional
ethics and geodetic surveys.
Holder of various church roles including parish treasurer (Southampton)
1994-99; Churchwarden (Dublin) 2002-04.
- English, French (conversational), German (limited)
Presentations and publications in FIG
Geodetic and topographic survey
Business and management practices
Practical aspects of ethics. Iain Greenway. FIG Working Week
Prague, May 2000
Business practices for surveyors. Iain Greenway. FIG Working
Week Seoul, May 2001
Business practices: supporting the practising professional. Iain
Greenway. FIG XXII Congress Washington, DC, April 2002
Business matters for professionals. Iain Greenway (ed). FIG
Publication No 29, 2002
The potential of distance learning in meeting the challenges facing
national mapping agencies in the new millennium. Audrey Martin,
Kevin Mooney, Iain Greenway & James Davey. FIG Working Week Paris,
May 2003
Business practices for surveyors. Iain Greenway. FIG Regional
Conference Accra, March 2006
Promoting Institutional and Organisational Development in Surveying
and Land Administration. Stig Enemark & Iain Greenway. FIG XXIII
Congress Munich, October 2006
National Mapping – Funding the Public Good. Iain Greenway. FIG
Working Week Hong Kong, May 2007
FIG’s Contribution to Institutional and Organisational Development.
Iain Greenway & Stig Enemark. FIG Working Week Hong Kong, May 2007
Building the Capacity: progress in the work of the FIG Task Force on
Institutional and Organisational Development. Iain Greenway. FIG
Working Week Stockholm, June 2008.
Standards and standardisation
Surveyors and standardisation. Iain Greenway. FIG Working Week
Prague, May 2000
Surveyors and standardisation – the interrelationship. Iain
Greenway. FIG Working Week Seoul, May 200.
Standards and surveyors: FIG’s past and future response. Iain
Greenway. FIG XXII Congress Washington, DC, April 2002
Guide on Standardisation. Iain Greenway. FIG Publication No 28,
Standards – are they relevant in a surveyor’s world? Iain
Greenway. FIG Working Week Paris, May 2003
Standards and surveyors – a continuing odyssey. Iain Greenway.
FIG Working Week Athens, May 2004
Standards – are they relevant in a surveyor’s world? Iain
Greenway. FIG Working Week Cairo, April 2005
Why standardise? Iain Greenway. FIG Regional Conference Accra,
March 2006
- FIG Standards Network. Iain Greenway. GIM International April
Standards – their vital role. Iain Greenway. FIG XXIII Congress
Munich, October 2006.
Sales and marketing
- How to succeed as a supplier of geographical information. Iain
Greenway & Tony Black FIG XXI Congress Brighton, July 1998.
Change management
- Recent experiences in developing Swaziland’s Surveyor General’s
Department. Albert Mhlanga & Iain Greenway FIG Working Week Sun
City, June 1999
The changing world of national mapping in Ireland. Richard
Kirwan & Iain Greenway FIG XXII Congress Washington, DC, April 2002.
SDI/ Data Sharing
Iain Greenway
26 Ballycrochan Avenue
Bangor, BT19 7LA
Tel. + 44 (0)28 9025 2253 (work)