Conference and Seminar Proceedings

Reference Frame in Practice

 21-22 June 2013 in Manila, Philippines




Friday 21st June 2013
0845 – 0900  Welcome and Opening Remarks – Mr Mikael Lilje
0900 – 1030 Session 1.1 Case Studies – The Status and Issues of Geodetic Infrastructure from Countries in the Region

Session Outline - Presenters will provide a technical summary of their geodetic infrastructure; outline the nature, composition, services available, the users, who manage / maintain such infrastructure; and also highlight issues and future plans to modernise their geodetic framework.


  • Mr. Aris Sunantyo (Indonesia) [Handouts]
  • Mr. Mosese Tagicakibau (Fiji) [Handouts]
  • Mr. Gairo Wari (PNG) [Handouts]
  • Ms. Charisma Victoria Cayapan (Philippines) [Handouts]
1030 – 1100 Morning Tea
1100 – 1230 Session 1.2 IGS Services and Other Initiatives

Session Outline - How IGS / APREF services and other related initiatives provide access to the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) via ITRF2008; the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS); geodetic infrastructure supporting the geoscience community and the geospatial community through the exchange of data and information.


1230 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1530 Session 1.3 APREF Status and Determination

Session Outline - The state of play of APREF and how the reference frame was derived; APREF services and applications; how can national agencies participate and exchange data and information; the UN Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM) initiative and its influence on geodetic practice.


1530 – 1600 Afternoon Tea
1600 – 1730 Session 1.4 Reference Frame Infrastructure

Session Outline - How to optimally establish positioning infrastructure using GNSS CORS; IGS site guidelines; related issues such as exchanging and / or access to geodetic information; web based processing services. Case study – the application of a contemporary GNSS CORS infrastructure to monitor crustal deformation and how it is an essential factor to maintain the geodetic reference frame in active tectonic zone like Asia- Pacific region.


1900 – 2200 Seminar Dinner Restaurant: Cafe Amorsolo Location: PICC – 2nd Floor, Secretariat Building Sponsored by ESRI, Trimble, Leica Geosystems
Saturday 22nd June 2013
0900 – 1030 Session 2.1 Gravity and WHS

Session Outline - The inter relationship of satellite missions (such as GRACE, GOCE and CHAMP), relative and absolute gravity, world height system, and geoids, with reference frames and geodetic datums; with emphasis on case studies from the Asia Pacific region.


1030 – 1130 Morning Tea
1100 – 1230 Session 2.2 Multi-GNSS Environment

Session Outline - Overview of ICG; the state of play and emerging issues relating to a multi-GNSS environment; PPP and precise differential GNSS techniques (RTK, NRTK); geo-referencing / geo-positioning for survey applications. Case study – overview of GEONET - a Japanese nationwide multi GNSS observation network consisted of about 1,200 stations and its geodetic services / applications.


1230 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1530 Session 2.3 Going GeoCentric

Session Outline - The Australian and New Zealand going geo-centric experience; technical hurdles; on-going maintenance of a modern datum; linking national datums to the ITRF; the benefits; the future and issues.


1530 – 1600 Afternoon Tea
1600 – 1645 Session 2.4 Dynamic Datums

Session Outline - Concepts of 4 Dimensional datums; the pros and cons of static, semi-dynamic datum and dynamic datums; Case study – New Zealand.


1645 – 1730 Session 2.5 The Role of Manufacturers in Geodetic Infrastructure

Session Outline – Manufactures will provide an insight to what role they can play and how they can assist in developing geodetic infrastructure in the region; what technical advice or applications they can supply to users to manage data in a modern and ever changing geospatial environment, especially with respect numerous geodetic datums / reference systems.


1730 -  Closing Remarks – FIG Commission 5 – Mr Mikael Lilje and Mr Rob Sarib

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