FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network


FIG AP-CDN at FIG Working Week 2020

The Working Week 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

FIG AP-CDN had planned two sessions during the Working Week. The Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network, in collaboration with the UN Sub-Committee on Geodesy - Education Training & Capacity Building, and the UN Global Geospatial Information Management Asia Pacific Geodetic Reference Frame WG, had invited delegates to provide their feedback and views on the status of workings and future initiatives relating to geodetic capacity development.

During the conference days a range of articles highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was published.

SEASC 2019 Darwin Declaration

15-18 August 2019, Drawin, Australia

Collaboration, Communication and Capacity Building.

Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems Workshop

Suva - Fiji, 24-28 June 2019

FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN) and Commission 5 – Position and Measurement members, along with representatives from sister organisations actively participated in the “Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems”. FIG AP CDN convened two sessions, focusing on the why, how and what of organisational planning for the development of GNSS CORS infrastructure capability and geodetic datum modernisation.

FIG AP-CDN at FIG Working Week 2019

The network held several meetings during the FIG Working Week in Hanoi, Vietnam 22-26 April 2019 and was involved in sessions in the technical programme.

United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress - UNWGIC

19-23 November 2019, Deqing, China

Rob Sarib represented the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN) at the UNWGIC congress. The highlight session for FIG APCDN was “Operationalizing the UN Integrated Geospatial Information Framework” . FIG APCDN was also represented at the UN GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy (UN SCoG).

Report from the Reference Frame in Practice Seminar - Operational Aspects of GNSS CORS

18-20 September 2018, Suva, Fiji

The FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN) convened another seminar of the Reference Frame in Practice series in Suva, Fiji 18-20 September 2018.

The theme and objectives of the seminar was to provide perspectives and case studies on technical matters relating to the “Operational Aspects of GNSS CORS” infrastructure. Presenters also delivered content on the - “what, why and how” to build a sustainable and modernised geodetic reference frame and datum; challenges faced in the Pacific in relation to geospatial information management and data sharing; legal, policy, and codes of practice (including standards); and the issues pertaining to developing the capacity of surveyors in the discipline of geodetic surveying. 

Group photo

References Frame in Practice Seminar  - Operational Aspects of GNSS CORS

18-20 September 2018, Suva, Fiji

In conjunction with FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network partners namely the Fijian Government - Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC), the UN GGIM AP, FIG Commission 5, and the Pacific Geospatial & Surveying Partnership Desk – Pacific Community, a Reference Frame in Practice Seminar on Operational GNSS CORS will be held in Suva, Fiji 18-20 September 2018.  The objectives of this event are to provide technical advice on the operational aspects of GNSS CORS infrastructure, to build a sustainable and modernised geodetic reference frame and datum, and also develop the capacity of surveyors in the discipline of geodetic surveying.  Presently there will be over 20 presentations comprising of local and international speakers, with almost 100 delegates registered!  FIG and development partners wish to thank Lecia Geosystems for their support.

FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network Report from the Congress

7 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

As the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network Chair a special forum on “Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network” was convened, and an invitation to participate in the United Nations Geodesy Sub-Committee on “Education Training and Capacity Building in Geodesy” forum as the FIG nominee was accepted .  As the titles suggest both forums were intrinsically linked with respect to geodetic capacity development activities and the plans for the future. The total number of the delegates at these forums was almost 60.
Read the report...

Regional Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities of Exchanging Geodetic Data

17-19 October 2017, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

The Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP), in collaboration with the Government of Japan, through the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has organised the Sixth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, from 16-19 October 2017.

As a result of workshop discussions at the reference frame in practice seminar held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - October 2016 a matrix of the regional geodetic (and geospatial) challenges, and strategies to mitigate problems was developed by the participating member states of Asia and the Pacific region. 

Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI), UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN GGIM-AP) Work Group (WG) 1 Geodetic Reference Frames, and the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network convened a meeting for Asia Pacific member states on “Regional Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities of Exchanging Geodetic Data”.  This forum was held prior to the UN-GGIM-AP Plenary Meeting on the 16 October 2017 at the Kumamoto City International Centre, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.  All member states of Asia and the Pacific were invited to participate, and in response there were 44 delegates from 14 countries. Following this, there were 9 invited presentations to stimulate meeting discussions on the related themes.

One day meeting on “Regional Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities of Exchanging Geodetic Data”

The  Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) , FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development  Network, and the UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific Working Group 1 are jointly hosting a one day meeting on “Regional Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities of Exchanging Geodetic Data” on 16 October 2017, at the Kumamoto City International Centre in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

This meeting with United Nation Asia Pacific country member delegates will workshop -

  • the social, technical, environmental and economic benefits and opportunities of accessing and sharing geodetic data;
  • open geodetic data and access policies;
  • geodetic data / licencing agreements; in particular the UN-GGIM Compendium on Licensing Geospatial Information;
  • the state of play of geodetic data sharing in Asia;
  • geodetic data that should be shared and accessible; and
  • examine solutions to challenges, impediments and the way forward.

For more information about this meeting please navigate to -

Please note this meeting will be convened prior to the UN GGIM AP Plenary Meeting 17-19th October 2017 -

Reference Frame in Practice Seminar

29-30 July 2017, Kobe, Japan

The Reference Frames in Practice (RFIP) series has been in operation since May 2012 and this year’s seminar was convened in Kobe (Japan) on 29-30 July 2017.  The seminar venue was the Kobe Chamber of Commerce - Port Island, and was hosted by GSI - Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.  A special thanks to Mr. Basara Miyahara and his team at GSI for their great hospitality.

Like previous seminars this RFIP was well attended.  It attracted 68 delegates from 19 different countries. From a program perspective, there were 21 quality presentations which included 4 presentations from the event sponsors who provided a manufacturers perspective on the issues and challenges relating to geodetic reference frames.

The seminar’s objective was to provide fundamental geodetic reference frame background, concepts and examine the associated data and analysis techniques, each with a focus on practical implementation and application. 

Meeting during FIG Working Week in Helsinki, Finland

There were about 25 participants involved in the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN) “breakfast” meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discover and share information on FIG activities that are occurring in Asia and the Pacific region, and how we can collaborate to achieve our work plan objectives.  At the meeting participants were encouraged to voice their opinions on the capacity development challenges being faced by our industry and how FIG can assist to address these challenges.

Skills for the future

Article in GeoConnexion March 2017 written by Rob Sarib, Chair of FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network

Surveyors will need to develop and refine new skills if they are to adapt to Future trends. Rob Sarib explains what FIG believes modern surveyors need to know and what it’s doing to help them in Asia and the Pacific regions


29-30 July 2017, Kobe - Japan

This seminar will be of benefit to operational geodesists or surveyors who are dealing with reference frame issues and crustal deformation, either in a government or commercial environment. It is also open to academics or postgraduate students in a surveying or related discipline.

More information on this special event

FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network Report on Activities in the Pacific Region – November / December 2016

Regional Capacity Network Meeting, 17-19 October 2016 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Regional Capacity Network Meeting – Asia/Pacific Region was held in conjunction with the UN-GGIM-AP meeting 17-19 October 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Pacific Geospatial Survey Council Meeting, 24-25 November 2016, Suva Fiji

Members of the Asia Pacific FIG Capacity Development Network will be meeting with the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) in Suva Fiji to finalise their Strategic Plan.  Network members from the Pacific Community Geoscience Division, Geoscience Australia, UN GGIM AP WG1, Land Information New Zealand, Mikael Lilje and Rob Sarib will also be participating in a Vertical Reference Surface workshop on the 26 November 2016, and the GIS / RS Users Conference thereafter.

Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council Meeting and GIS / RS User Conference

November 2015 - Suva, Fiji

Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development (GGRF) resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly

February 2015

In February 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution “A Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development” – the first resolution recognizing the importance of a globally-coordinated approach to geodesy.

Geodesy plays an increasing role in people’s lives, from finding directions using a smart phone to alleviating poverty.

Because the Earth is in constant motion, an acccurate point of reference is needed for making measurements. Geodesy provides a very accurate and stable coordinate reference frame for the whole planet: A Global Geodetic Reference Frame. "The extent and value to nations and the considerably increased economic benefit of implementing the Global Geodetic Reference Frame will be highlighted, alongside its role in underpinning the Sustainable Development Agenda". Dr. Vanessa Lawrence CB

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