FIG Council


Vice President Mikael Lilje


Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 26 October, 1967
Nationality: Swedish
Current Position: Head of Department of Geodetic infratructure, Lantmäteriet

The FIG General Assembly elected at its meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand in May 2016 Mr. Mikael Lilje as FIG Vice President for a four-year term of office 1.1.2017-31.12.2020.

Curriculum Vitae

Key Qualifications

Education and Training

Institution: Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Date: August 1988 - June 1990
Qualification: Studied Civil Engineering

Institution: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Date: August 1990 - December 1993
Qualification: Master of Science in Land Surveying

Institution: Nordic Geodetic Commission Autumn School (for researchers) Båstad, Sweden
Date: 1996
Qualification: One week course in “Geodetic Applications of GPS”

Institution: International Geoid School, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Date: 2000
Qualification: One week course in Geoid Computations
Institution: Nordic Geodetic Commission Autumn School (for researchers) Fevik, Norway
Date: 2000
Qualification: One week course in “Nordic Geodesy towards the 21st Century”

Employment record

Date: December 2009 – current
Location:  Gävle, Sweden
Employer: Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority)
Position: Head of Department of Geodetic Infrastructure

The department consists of more than 40 persons and is responsible for:

The department has a big experience of international cooperation through participating in international projects through Swedesurvey, or active in various international organisations as FIG, IAG, CGSIC and more.

Chair elect for FIG Commission 5 during 2009-2010. Chair FIG Commission 2011-4. Chair FIG Task Force on Commission Structure since 2015.
FIG representative to the UN-OOSA since 2010
Responsible for the FIG Commission 5 technical programme at FIG events.
Initiating the FIG Techncal Seminars on Reference Frame in Pactice
Secretary of the presidium of the Nordic Commission of Geodesy since 2010.
Chair of local organising committee for the EUREF-symposium 2010
Chair of local organising committee for the NKG General Assembly 2014
Member of Management Board for EuroSDR since 2013
Lantmäteriet’s contact person to EuroGeographics since 2015.
Lantmäteriet’s contact person to Nordic cooperation between NMCAs

Date: July 2001 - December 2009
Location:  Gävle, Sweden
Employer: Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority)
Position: Deputy Head of the Geodetic Research Division
Head of the Reference Frame and Coordinate System Section

The section consists of about 10 persons and is responsible for:

The section has been involved in several overseas projects, coordinated with Swedesurvey, concerning zero, first and/or second order networks. The projects have e.g. consisted of specification, establishment, adjustment, calculating transformation parameters, quality evaluation, quality control and transfer of knowledge. Projects have been carried out in e.g. the following countries: Mongolia, Bhutan, Armenia, Moldova, Namibia, Angola and Botswana. The section has also given lectures to participants on Swedesurvey international courses as well as leading study visits to the Geodetic Research Division.

From 1998 to 2002, Secretary for FIG Commission 5 and since 2002 Co-chair of the FIG Commission 5 working group “Reference Frame in Practice”. Chair elect for FIG Commission 5 during 2009-2010.
Also member of the Height Determination, Geoid, and Reference Frame working groups within the Nordic Commission of Geodesy.

Expert at the European Vertical Reference System workshop in Frankfurt, Germany in 2004.

2004-2009, Chairman of the Swedish Mapping and Surveying Techniques Society. Also been responsible for the technical programme at the annual conference since 1998.

Date: January 1995 – June 2001
Location: Gävle, Sweden
Employer: Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority)
Position: Research Geodesist at the Geodetic Research Division

Research and development has focussed on the following:

  1. Third precise levelling of Sweden including preparations and quality control of data for the final adjustment.
  2. Quality control of GPS measurements and adjustment of large GPS networks (between 5000 to 10000 baselines) using GeoLab 3.4d.
  3. Programming of a field computer program (Autoka-FC) both for conventional and GPS measurements. The program was developed using Turbo Pascal.

Was Project Leader for the project “Digitization of the Geodetic Archive”. Analogue records were transformed and stored in a digital database and the general public will have Internet access in the future.

Duties at the Geodetic Research Division also included field work. Two weeks concerning gravity measurements in the 2nd order detail network using a LaCoste and Romberg, model G gravity meter. Also ten weeks concerning levelling in the third precise levelling of Sweden using motorised levelling technique with Zeiss Ni002 and Zeiss Ni002A. A further six weeks of field work concerned planning and reconnaissance of points in a GPS-network in southern Sweden.

Secretary for FIG Commission 5 (Positioning and Measurements) from 1998 to 2002. During this time organised two international conferences “Geodesy and Surveying in the Future - The Importance of Height” (Gävle, Sweden 1999) and “The Mediterranean Surveyor in the New Millennium” (St. Juliens, Malta, 2000). In addition played a large part in the organisation of several other international conferences. Also been active in several working groups within the Nordic Commission of Geodesy since 1997.

During August and September 1997 assisted with practical fieldwork carried out by surveying students at the University College Gävle-Sandviken. The work concerned detail measurements, levelling, polygon net measurements and adjustments.

In addition lectured on theory of errors, co-ordinate systems and co-ordinate transformations to students at Luleå Technical University in September 1999 and September 2000.

Secretary for the Swedish Mapping and Surveying Techniques Society between 1998 and 2004.

Participated in a project, under the supervision of Professor Paul A Cross, at the Department of Geomatic

Engineering, University College, London concerning the calculation and quality of GPS measured points in Greece for the detection of earth movements November 1998 - February 1999.

Date: January 1994 – December 1994
Location: Gävle, Sweden
Employer: Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority)
Position: Developer at the Real Property Register Division

Development was focussed on the introduction of the national digital cadastral index map. Provided support, both on site and per telephone, lectured on internal courses and contributed to a handbook.

Membership in Professional Societies:

Language skills:

  Reading Speaking Writing
Swedish (mother tongue) Excellent
Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
German Fair Poor Poor

Communication skills:

Pedagogical skills and experience. Numerous of presentations at international and national conferences.

Job-related skills:

A sound knowledge of geodesy, inter alia: reference systems, map projections, transformations, geodetic networks, adjustment, GNSS-technique.

Organisational / managerial skills:

Managerial and leadership skills acquired from management position at the geodetic department since 2001. Deputy Head of the Geodata Unit at Lantmäteriet. Chairman of a national association2004-2009. Chair of international working group within the FIG 2003-2010. Chair of FIG Commission 2011-2014. Chair Task Force on Commission Structure 2015 - .

Publications (not always as prime author):


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