FIG Commission 5 and 6 Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources”

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, 3-7 September 2010

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Participants at the Workshop in Kazakhstan.

FIG Commissions 5 (Positioning and Measurement) and 6 (Engineering Surveys) together with Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Resources Management, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University (EKSTU), Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA) and Regional Scientific and Technological Park “Altai” organised a Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources”. Venue of the Workshop was in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, on 3-7 September 2010. The workshop was supported by “GosNPTSzem”, Regional Committee on Land Resources Management, Interregional Land Inspection of the Agency of RK for Land Resources Management for East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar Regions and JSC “Bassar Electronics”, GIS Association, Geoprofi Magazine, ITE Siberian Fair and others. NP AGP Meridian + (Research and Production Aerial Surveying Company, Moscow, Russian Federation) was its general sponsor. Among other sponsors following should mentioned, “GEO-KURS” LLC (Kazakhstan), “Geopolis” LLC (Kazakhstan), and “NPC GRID” LLC (Kazakhstan).

The Conference was attended by about 100 participants from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Russia, various universities and companies. Among these companies were following: Leica Geosystems AG (Switzerland), technet-rail 2010 GmbH (Germany), VisionMap Ltd. Company, (Israel), NP AGP Meridian + (Russian Federation), ERDAS (Switzerland), “Geo-Alliance” (Russian Federation), «ЕАТС» LLC (Kazakhstan), Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) for Novosibirsk Region, “GosNPTSzem” (Kazakhstan), “ITE Siberian Fair”, Regional Scientific and Technological Park “Altai”, Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan), Volgograd State Agricultural Academy (Russian Federation), KazNTU named after K. I. Satpaevа, Stuttgart University, Institute for Applications of Geodesy to Engineering (Germany), etc. List of participants included following key representatives: V. V. Soloviev, Head of the Interregional Land Inspection of the Agency of RK for Land Resources Management for East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar Regions, R. T. Kaimbekov, Director of “Kazgeodesy”, S. V. Levashov, College of Geodesy and Cartography, Kazakhstan, S. A. Babasov, Director General of “Geostroiinvest” LLC, Kazakhstan, Prof. Dr. F. K. Nizametdinov, Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan), D. G. Sarmanov, First Deputy, “GosNPTSzem” (Kazakhstan), and A. V. Ionchenkov, Director General, “GEO-KURS” LLC (Kazakhstan).

Within the framework of the workshop there were almost 60 presentations. The participants and guests were welcomed on the official ceremony by: Prof. Dr. T. T. Ipalakov, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Prof. Vladimir A. Seredovich, Vice Rector on Innovative Activities, Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA), N. B. Kalabaev, Chairman, Education and Science Control Committee under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr.-Ing. Ivo Milev, technet-rail 2010 GmbH (for the FIG commissions 5 and 6), Germany, Prof. Dr. Milan Konecny, Immediate Past President of International Cartographic Association (ICA), Vice President of International Society on Digital Earth (ISDE), Czech Republic, Em. Prof. Gottfried Konecny, Honorary Member of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Germany, and A. A. Brusentsov, Deputy Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk City, Kazakhstan.

A comprehensive set of topics related to the theme of the Workshop was discussed including following:

  • Prediction of Earth’s Surface and Engineering Structures Deformations and Movements in Areas of Tectonically and Technogenically Active Hazardous Zones Using Geodetic Observations
  • Automated Geodetic Monitoring Systems Applied to Construction of Engineering Structures and Their Maintenance
  • Terrestrial Laser Scanning Systems, Their Usage in Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industry
  • GIS Technologies for Designing, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Engineering Objects and Facilities
  • Provision of Geo-information for Solving of Environmental Problems
  • Methods of Studying Hazardous Natural-Technogenic Processes, Their Prediction and Cartographic Modeling
  • Geospatial Data Infrastructure
  • Real time GNNS Application in Designing of Engineering Objects and Facilities

D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University has published the technical program and workshop proceedings on paper and a CD-ROM (including presentations) and the proceedings will be published as online publication on the FIG web site.

The main outcomes of the seminar include following recommendations and proposals:


A temporal working group with members from the organizing committee and participants on the conference present following resolution proposal:

Technical based:

  1. Force the development of more powerful algorithms and applications for raising the acceptance of the method and efficiency by using automated processing of the laser scan data acquisition method.
  2. Encourage and support the development of more powerful devices and GUI as a solution that will to bring the GIS data to the field.
  3. Take in account as middle term priorities the future development of a GNSS infrastructure based on the GLONASS and GPS technology as the required frame for the development of high technologies and applications in the field of geoinformatics, terrestrial laser scanning, remote sensing, monitoring of deformation in environment during the exploitation of earth resources.

Regional development and education based:

  1. Kazakhstan shall be encouraged to continue to develop high level academic education, research capabilities in the geomatics field, which is in highest importance of accessible economy in the growing country economy.
  2. International donators can be approach to development education as a research program in key universities and special case the recommendation to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to support D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University (EKSTU) and Kazakhstan National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev (KazNTU) to establish an international supported council for a new Ph. D. program in geodesy and geoinformatics.
  3. Support the application from the D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University to become a new member of the FIG
  4. The World Bank should be approach for the support of installation of an efficient cadaster system development for achieving the Millennium Goals.

Other recommendations include that research and education in geoinformatics could be helpful not only for students but as well as a platform for integration between geodesy, cartography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, etc. This event was done in co-operation with FIG but in the future it would be helpful to have meetings on lower level. JB GIS sister organizations are available communicate and create new added values.

FIG was represented by the organization committee on the reception organized by the Rector of D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan University during the “Seventh Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan” held on the level of presidents from Russian Federation and Kazakhstan..

This first workshop in Kazakhstan has been largely supported and promoted by the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy from Novosibirsk that is also supporting “GEO-Siberia” and we are very grateful for their efforts to share and contribute their experience to the Kazakhstan organization team.

Many thanks to Prof. Kaisar Khasenov, Head of the Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadaster at D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, and his team for the logistics, local organization and great flexibility during the conference.

Dr. Ivo Milev
Assoc. Prof. Kaisar B. Khasenov, PhD
Prof. Vladimir A. Seredovich

Proceedings will be available on the FIG Commission 5 and 6 websites soon.

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Prof. Seredovich from SSAG together with student from EKSTU
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Joel van Craenenbroeck and Ivo Milev were representing FIG Commissions 5 and 6 at the workshop
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Participants to the workshop
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Seventh Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan

15 October 2010

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